Sunday, October 26, 2008

Take Grampa's Stake Conference Quiz!

Stake conference quiz
1. How many stakes in Oregon?
2. Who conducted?
3. What were Elder Dickson’s 4 steps to prepare us to listen to the Apostles?
4. What was the story of the bug about?
5. Open eyes to _____ ears to ______ hearts to _______ ?
6. Why does Elder Dahlquist love to search the Book of Mormon?
7. Who is Elder Dahlquist’s favorite hero?
8. Elder Dahlquist’s story of “You are not alone”?
9. Elder Dahlquist’s "Holy Places"?
10. He who is moving toward perfection learns to...?
11. Beside the floor of your bedroom, what can you do to make it a sacred place?
12. What is the best way to control our thoughts?
13. What we allow in our thoughts is...?
14. How did the young man survive the concentration camps?
15. Vital are the leisure hours for in them...?
16. What was unique with Nathan raising funds for cancer victims for his eagle project?
17. Why should we learn to do hard things?
18. Where was Elder Perry’s uncle buried?
19. In his house General Conference was a time for?
20. What did he liken the modern example of having our tents facing the Temple?
21. What is the foreign language Ensign called?
22. Troubled times come from a lack of?
23. When was Elder Uchtdorf supposed to come to Oregon?
24. What are the two best publications to prepare missionaries?
25. Conversion is complete when we?
26. Three keys to relight our conversion?
27. Answers come as we?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Go here for a Halloween surprise!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Not any more, the producers of the sixth Harry Potter movie changed the date to next year because they found that they would get more money then.

Rip off.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Harry Potter

The Harry Potter and the half blood prince trailer came out!

It looks dark to me.

It comes out in november.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Girl's Camp!!!

I'm going to girls camp today at 11:00, i can't say how excited I am! (See you there Aubrey!) I've got tons of candy and so many friends, there's to many to count, I can't wait for the rest of the 'girl grandchildren' come to girl's camp, it'll be great!

p.s. Sorry about the name 'crescent moon' it has something to do with another blog, this is LaRee.

Friday, July 25, 2008


When you move your mouse around, her eyes follow. When you write something in the left space and then click on 'Say it', she says it! You can also change persons doing the talking, etc.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Boats of Cardboard

Did you hear about the boat race I did? If not, It's a thing where you have to make a boat out of card board and duct tape, then race it across Hawthorn pool When I got there they raced two at a time . . . I Won!! It was Awsome!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

LaRee's starwars stuff!

Your Star Wars Name And Title
Your Star Wars Name: Larbr Hamed

Your Star Wars Title: Elbblu of Hannah

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mind Your Mom & Eat Your Veggies!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

my starwars name

Your Star Wars Name And Title
Your Star Wars Name: Aubha Pamed

Your Star Wars Title: Llesou of Nilhsa
>">What Is Your Star Wars Name and Title?

Sunday, March 30, 2008

At The Hospital

The week before spring break, I got sick and had to go to the hospital.
It wasn't all that fun, but they did have cable TV. It hurt when they drew my blood three times but, it hurt the most when they put the IV in my hand because I was dehydrated.
I got to order my own food there, and it was good!
At first my mom thought that we would be spending just a few hours there but the doctor said we had to stay for a night, which turned out to be two nights, it wasn't fun.
2008 spring break will be one for me to remember!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Attention Hassell Grandkids!

Go to and vote for the name of your next new cousin! See "Name That Puddle"!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Great! this will be fun, thanks Aubrey!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


um....I just started this and I don't know what to do. So if you want a invitation so you can blog on this leave your name and e- mail.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How Fun To Be Invitied To The Grand Kids Blog!

Does this mean I am an honorary grandkid? ;-) Aubrey did such a good job of setting this up! I hope I will be reading about things that happen at school and church, things you do with your family, books you are reading, movies you like and anything that is important to you! This is a great way to get to know your cousins even if you don't get to see them very often! I love each of you so much!

Friday, February 22, 2008


People say blogging is fun I wanted to try.Grandma kind of gave me the idea so I decided to do it.Most of us are still young but I thought the older ones could post on this if they had the time.Well, Thank You for your time!